I'm back from Florida more buff and tan than ever. While I was on holiday at Disney World, I learned a few things about myself...little soul searching and all. Also I learned something about Disney World that I wasn't aware of when I initially booked the trip. Now I am not confirming nor denying that I gained first hand experience in the following moments, I
could have just learned it through careful observation. Needless to say if I had known this before hand, I might have skipped the trip all together.
Basically, Disney does not want you to get drunk in their parks.
This is a hard task when you're over 21 and in Epcot for two reasons. One is the fact that Epcot is boring as fuck when you're over the age of 10. There are 3 sweet rides then its all science stuff. If I wanted to learn I'd watch Mr. Wizard...I was there to lose brain cells from fast reckless rides. The other reason is that they serve alcohol...
...and when you can get a different kind of beer in each fake country display Epcot has, it is very easy to get smashed.